Municipal Opioid Abatement Funds FY23 Data Dashboard
Welcome to the Massachusetts Opioid Statewide Settlements Municipal Dashboard. The data reflects the funding received and expended for municipal opioid abatement during Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) submitted by participating municipalities who signed onto the Massachusetts State Subdivision Agreement. For Fiscal Year 2024 data, click here.
Overview of the FY23 Dashboard
When hovering over a municipality, a pop-up will appear with information on the amount received and expended, and the total percentage of funds spent. For those municipalities that either did not submit a report or did not participate, the data is listed as unavailable. Click on the municipality to see the full information reported in the FY23 Municipal Report.
You may also select a municipality or county from the drop-down lists located in the top right corner of the page. The default setting is the list of municipalities. To view the information and map by county, click the black button labeled ‘County Map’ in the bottom right corner of the dashboard. To return to the municipal map, click the black button labeled 'Municipality Map' in the bottom right corner of the dashboard. All of the data collected from the FY23 Municipal Reports appears below the map.