Municipal Opioid Abatement Funds Data Dashboard
Welcome to the Massachusetts Statewide Opioid Settlements Municipal Dashboard. The data in this dashboard reflects the funding received and expended for municipal opioid abatement during Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) submitted by participating municipalities who signed onto the Massachusetts State Subdivision Agreement. (SSA). Click here for Fiscal Year 2023 data.
Overview of the FY24 Dashboard
The landing page of the dashboard displays aggregated state-level data from all reporting municipalities. The tabs display the data in various geographic level categories: Municipalities (by each individual city or town); Regions (as defined by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health regions: Central, Greater Boston, MetroWest, Northeast, Southeast, Western); or by Opioid Abatement Collaborative (OAC), which is defined as two or more municipalities who have pooled their abatement funds through a formal agreement to maximize their investment. Note there was one OAC in FY24, with additional expected in FY25 and beyond. You can toggle between each of these geographic levels using the tabs along the top of the homepage.
For each geographic level, there are five informational subsections: Funding, Shared Commitments, Assessment & Planning, Populations Served, and Strategy Implementation. The Funding section gives an overview of funds received and expended and includes contact information for each municipality. The Shared Commitments section shows progress against three shared commitments stated in the SSA. The Assessment and Planning section shows whether or not the municipality undertook various assessment and planning activities. The Populations Served section shows any funds spent, or planned to be used, specifically to serve particular population groups. The Strategy Implementation section provides more granular detail on how funds were spent. You can toggle between each of these categories using the tabs along the left-hand side of the screen.
The "i" icon located at the top of each page contains information about the data presented in the charts and graphs.
If you have a question regarding specific municipal expenditures, please reach out to the Point of Contact listed in the bottom right corner of the Municipality - Funding section. If you have feedback about the dashboard itself, please email Care Mass. For questions about the Massachusetts Statewide Settlements, please email the Director of Opioid Abatement.