September Abatement Settlement Municipal Forums

About the Events

These introductory webinars were held via Zoom in September of 2023. They provided a broad overview of the history of the Massachusetts Attorney General Offices’ participation in the Opioid Abatement Settlements ( Other topics included an overview of the list of approved uses for the municipal funding, (, underscored the primary directive of partnering with those impacted by the opioid epidemic, and served to introduce Care Massachusetts, the Opioid Abatement Partnership, a project of JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. (JSI). JSI has been contracted by the State of Massachusetts to support municipalities in effectively using the Opioid Settlement funds. Each forum featured a panel of people who have been most impacted by the opioid epidemic from each respective region.

Region Date Recording PPT Mentimeter Activity Results
Southeast Tuesday 9/12/2023 Link
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Central Thursday 9/14/2023 Link Link Link
Metrowest Tuesday 9/19/2023 Link
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Western Thursday 9/21/2023 Link
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Northeast Thursday 9/28/2023 Link
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